My Zuda subbmission, well the 1st page and in rough format, the text needs to be sorted out, but am thinking its a pdf-jpg problem and as well as its one of the 1st images i have made soley for web. These bugs will be sorted out,
There is a smarten verison of this, the table and the coffee cups in what should be the second panel have been rounded off more. The panels flowing into one massive panel have been smarten up, if you will notice the boat next to the newspaper has a small white area which needs turning to black, just so everything flows better.
Also the building in the second panel flows into a tree for the last panel, and the white area is more white,
Also the text boxes at the top have been rounded off, to contrast all the jaggered feeling of the panel,
pages 2-8 still need to be compeleted, my time scale of a page a day took a step back after my well dersevered time to take some time off. Hmmm
I found a peach of information, Alan Moore's "Twilight of the superheroes", which rurmour has it (I say rumour) that was the bases for Kingdom Come (and the more cynical might say Earth X seen as it was based Alex Ross's notes about his vision of a marvel future, and Ross worked on Kingdom Come, which the rumours say where based on Twilight. DC's lawyers please note I say rumour)
If you can find it on the 'net, you should read it, then read Kingdom Come, and then Earth X, the plot is typical moore and the whole idea is well, you should read it.
I have nearley finshed my notebook on my project, typical Eldaveo, full of half baked ideas and ramdon crap, over the next couple of months am going to start building up some images and other such stuff ( I hate to talk in code, am not THAT paranoid not anymore)
All I can say is its a rehash of an idea I had when I 1st started Uni all those years ago, and am tweaking bits here and there, as my old housemate said quite alot "Epic"
Take care non belivers ?