This is the alien design. With a bone armour, to make sure any hits from the top are protected. It has bone scythes attached to powerful arms. This version of the alien evolved from a subterranean creature that travelled underground. As you can see from the picture on the right, it pops up and dives back down again. As if the soil and earth were just water and it was a fish. But as it grows, numerous things will happen to it.
The robot isn't up yet, quite simplely its the most chanellging thing I've had to design. It starts off from a sphere, think the droids from star wars that roll around all the time. With the battle biped droids, but as it is a sporting event maybe the robot is under a pentely? Hence its starting phase its smaller then that of the alien.
This is the dectivie. There are plenty of other designs I did for him, but this I feel reflects who he is the best.